Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentine's Day Fever

First of all, I would like to apologize to my readers for going MIA for so long. After the exams and the holidays, I was just not up for anything besides laying around, eating and walking around Paris with my boyfriend (it was his first time there, so it was my duty to guide him - I don't know if I should disclose the fact that after 3 years living there, I had never actually gone on top of the Eiffel Tower, or inside the Catacombes...but anyway, I was just as much of a tourist as he was).

I also have to say that the famous syndrome of the Blank Page kind of got me. I cannot count the number of times that I sat down and starred at my computer for a good 10 minutes before accepting that I couldn't write anything. I guess registering for classes and applying for internships stressed me out a bit more that it should have. But is it only stress?
I feel like a lot of my friends are going through the same thing, so some of you must be as well...this Less-than-one-quarter-of-a-life-crisis? Or in other words, this uncertainty about what is next, what we will be doing and where, in five years? Friend, you're not alone.

Now that New Years is behind us, a new chapter has started and needless to say, I am back, more excited than ever to share Fashion ideas, OOTDs and other bits with you all.

Valentine's Day Fever

It was actually my first real celebration of the "V" Day ever. I have to admit I used to think it was pretty obsolete. I still do, but it is honestly a good excuse to get more hugs and kisses! And to be honest, I've had the time of my life.

My boyfriend and I decided to go on a "Romantic Getaway" outside of San Francisco, the uni, our houses. We chose the amazing city of Monterrey to spend our Friday night, and I must say I fell in L-O-V-E. The Cannery Row area was so beautiful and intimate - despite the trillions of tourists, it still felt like it. I wish I had snapped photos, but to be totally honest with you, my phone died at the worst time. I tried and find photos of the places we went on the Internet.

The Cannery Row area:

Photo cred: Pinterest

Our Hotel:

The Spaaaa!

Photo cred:

I am so happy we did this, this was a much needed break. Hope you all had a great week end and are ready to go back to business!

A few more pics (I finally retrieved my phone):



  1. That spa looks dreamy! This is definitely now on my list when I make it over to the westcoast in the not too distant future. Gail x

  2. I hope you do! The service was really great as well! The jacuzzi is free but other services are added to your bill. Thank you for commenting I appreciate it!

    xo Brigitte

  3. No problem :-) It makes my day when people comment on mine (thank you, by the way!) and i'm trying to spread the good feelings and actively engage when I read a blog I like. Have fun in Paris!! x

  4. Oh no! I only read the start of your latest post and though you were actually in Paris! Keep dreaming big though - there's always S/S '15! xx

    1. Haha I was! But I was visiting my parents. I actually wrote it in the plane because I was annoyed to leave during PFW (I arrived yesterday in SF) and yes let's keep dreaming!
