Sunday, March 23, 2014

Power Breakfast: A Twist to the Traditional Yogurt & Granola

I absolutely love my Yogurt & Granola, and I know I'm not the only one. Whether I want a power breakfast or a fiber-rich snack, this is my go-to recipe. But as much as I like the taste of it, the plain Yogurt and Granola combination can get a bit old over time. So, I decided to add a little twist to it: watermelon!

The original idea came from Spencer (the boo), and I thought it would never work! But I tried it and I was sold. While Yogurt and Granola are delicious together, I always felt the need to drink water while eating, as it can feel a bit dry. Watermelon was the perfect ingredient for added freshness and hydration.

It does also provide you with the carbs, protein and a portion of the value of fiber you need everyday, and it can help with weight loss. It is naturally sweet, which can help with sugar cravings.
Finally, every wedge of watermelon is packed with Vitamins A and C (up to 33 and 39% of your daily needs!).

The recipe for this Power Breakfast is more than simple. Just get your usual yogurt (I use a nonfat plain greek yogurt), your favorite granola (mine is Mixed Berry granola or Almond granola with dried fruits), one banana and a wedge of watermelon cut in small pieces. Mix it all up, add a bit of honey, and enjoy the fresh, creamy goodness while getting ready for Spring Break!

Bisous, Brigitte

(Excuse my messy hair, the sun felt so good I had to get out there and snap a pic!)